Electronic Temperature Indicators
Electronic Temperature Indicators provide you with a detailed report as to when, where and how long a particular thermal event took place. Using LED lights as an indicator to alert you when the temperature is out of range or above the threshold you can download the data to your computer to investigate exactly what occurred.
You can not always trust that the cooling system you have in place is going to work flawlessly and when your products are in transport there is no telling how many people will come in contact with it or what type of delays it may experience. Any type of neglect or long delay can be detrimental to the quality of your product. Any one of these issues can arise even before the product leaves the warehouse facility it is being housed at. This is why implementing an Electronic Temperature Monitoring Device is imperative.
There are many different types of Electronic Temperature Tags on the market all with different features but ultimately achieve the same goal. Providing you with the ability to track your products all through out the cold chain process.
Our thermal advisors are here to assist you with selecting the correct electronic temperature indicator for your specific application, whether you need to monitor the product remotely throughout transit, need to have the ability to check it at each point in the process or want to monitor multiple different items in the same shipment; we are here with the answers you need.
Types of Electronic Temperature Indicators
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We have a team of skilled thermal advisors standing by to answer all your electronic temperature indicator questions.